Decorations New Year tree. Tinsel and toys, balls and other decorations on the Christmas Christmas tree standing in the open air.
Holidays are always merry for most.
Aromatic smells of mahogany, cherry, and wood oak
Fill up the lungs of very excited children,
Dancing happily around the majestic fireplace. We all can definitely relate to having been
A Child of Christmas once.
The glowing sconce illuminates
A glistening mistletoe. The softened snow outside makes
The hunter’s spotted doe
Much easier to see,
Less stealthy, good meat.
The raging bonfire should cook it right through
For a merry me and a merry you. A deliciously hearty stew,
Eggnog and casker creme brew is
Not for the faint of heart, of course.
Everyone awaits the sounds of a galloping horse,
Hoping not to miss Santa’s visit. The densest clouds slowly disperse,
Blanketing our cozy cabin with the
Perfect quilt of ivory snow.
We playfully pretend it’s an intense blizzard
On the tundra’s dangerous plateau. Each Christmas holiday,
Our mysterious fears and youthful giddiness grow.
The candlelight ballerinas put on a very special show.
The Sugar Plum Fairy is a no show
But it’s always so interesting to hear
The winds angrily blowing over the tin rooftop.
It can be mistaken for a reindeer’s hoof drop. Hopeful hearts stop.
The adults strain to listen.
Imaginative minds, completely imprisoned
By the holiday magic. It’s always tragic when it comes to such
An abrupt end.
A different story’s song leading to
A new beginning. The intricate webs of time forever spinning
A new family tradition.
LaShaunda Callands is an author residing in Danville, Va. She has eight books to date under a fiction pen name. Her newest story was released to Amazon on September 15, 2021. Follow LaShaunda on social media @LaLaLeoAuthor or @LaLaLeoWriter.